A Brief but Detailed Idea on Checking Tyre pressure and Inflating

Checking Tyre Pressure

If you don’t inflate your tyres with adequate pressure at regular intervals, your tyres will wear tremendously. This is why every car owner or driver must have an idea about when and how tyre pressure can be checked. Negative vehicle’s handling and reduced gas mileage are among the two major consequences of tyres having an incorrect level of pressure. 

This article will guide you on when you should check the tyre pressure, how you will check and how you can fill 225 40 r18 tyres with air.

Checking Tyre Pressure

A tyre pressure gauge is required and you can get this at many automobile parts shop or service stations. It is recommended that the tyre pressure must be checked only when the tyres are cold. This is because heat builds up in the tyres due to friction caused while driving and this heat affects the pressure. You must check the tyre pressure in the morning before hitting the road. If you have already had a drive, you must wait at least for three hours for the tyres to cool down after the drive.

You must check the tyre pressure this way once you get hold of a tyre gauge:

  • The air valve cap on the tyre should be removed first and placed in a safe place where it won’t get lost.
  • The tyre gauge should then be pressed against the stem of the open valve for a few seconds. You will get to hear a hissing sound and that is normal.
  • Get the air gauge reading. For manual gauges, the pressure is indicated by a bar or a dial pointing the pressure. A digital tyre gauge will give you the reading on screen.
  • The recommended pressure must be compared to this pressure reading.
  • Recap the valve cap on the tyre with its cap. If the tyre pressure needs to be adjusted, you must not put the cap then. Adjust and then recap the valve.
  • These steps must be repeated for each tyre.

Inflating Car Tyres

If you find your tyres to have air pressure less than the manufacturer recommended level, you need to inflate the cheap tyres fitted to the adequate pressure level. These steps will guide you to inflate your tyres:

  • Your car must be first parked nearer to the air compressor so that all the four tyres can be accessible with the hose.
  • Remove the valve caps if they are on.
  • The nozzle on the valve stem must be pressed down. Either the air will automatically flow or you will have to press the lever. You must observe the inflation of the tyre and the air flowing through the hose must be felt.
  • The hose fitting must be removed and the inflation lever must be released. You can check the tyre pressure either using the gauge present on the hose or your tyre gauge.
  • Till you get the tyres inflated till the recommended pressure level, you need to repeat steps 3 and 4.
  • The steps 3-5 must be repeated for the other tyres of the vehicle.
  • Recap the valve caps once you inflate the tyres adequately.

When the Tyre Pressure must be checked

You must check your tyre pressure:

  • At least once in a month as this will let you adjust the tyre pressure that fluctuates throughout every season.
  • If you have driven over a sharp object or on rough roads 
  • During routine servicing


Tyres are the most crucial parts of a vehicle. They are the mode of contact between your car and the road. If you need your car to perform well on the road, you must ensure to maintain your car tyres in proper condition and with adequate pressure.